WHIFFLE BALL- Grades 7-8 |
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 1. The student shall have a basic understanding of the rules, safety, strategy, scoring, and terminology in the game of whiffle ball. 2. The student shall be able to hit a pitched ball while incorporating the proper stance and grip. |
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES FIRST MEETING: 1. Warm up 2. Throw balls to a spot on the wall: Step, point, follow through 3. Play catch with other students: Keep eyes on the ball; reach and grasp the ball with both hands. 4. Batting, fielding, and base running practice. CLOSURE: Review Skills HOMEWORK: How many games need to be won to win the World Series? |
SECOND MEETING: 1. Warm up 2. Review throwing balls to a spot on the wall 3. Review playing catch with other students. 4. Review batting, fielding, and base running practice. 5. Play games CLOSURE: Review Skills |
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES Teacher observation based on skill level of individual students
*Note: This lesson is dependent on the weather. If we have poor weather and all classes share the gym, we will use the Lifetime skills lesson plan. |