Sponge Bob, Gary, and
Equipment: 1 hula-hoop
Small balls with one less ball than the number of teams
1 cone per team
I created this game
from others and my students loved it. It is better if used towards the
end of the school year on the younger children.
Have a big circle
made by using the cones. Place children in teams of 3. One is
Sponge Bob, one is Gary, and the last is Patrick from the cartoon show on
Nickelodeon. Each team sits by a cone. In the center of the
circle you will place the balls inside the hula-hoop (having one less ball than
there are teams). You will call out one of the cartoon names. That
child will run around the outside of the circle while the other two children
make a house by standing and holding hands over head. The running child
will run under the house and get a ball from the middle and run back to sit
down under the house. One child will not get a ball.
Debi Aikin