Grade K-4
Materials Needed:
One bean bag for each team
Introduce activity, discuss how to play the game safely, and teamwork
(three teams x, o, and i)
x x x i x i o i o i o o
Have students stand in one large circle divided into equal teams.
Have only 4-5 people on a team.
In the center of the circle have a bean bag for each team.
Number the individual team members off from one to five.
If the teams are uneven, give one person from the uneven team an extra number.
The teacher calls a number. The students with that number must run counterclockwise around the circle, back to their spot, to the center of the circle, pick up a bean bag, and return back to their spot.
The first team completed gives their team a point.
Continue the game until a team earns ten points.

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