Sideline dodgeball is a team dodgeball game.  Divide the group up into
two teams.  No one is allowed to cross the half court line.  In sideline
dodgeball, you have two chances.  In other words, if you get hit once you
cross the half court line and go to the other side of the gym floor.  If
you get hit again you go to the sideline on that same side of the gym
floor.  When you get on the sideline you throw the ball at the players
who are not on your team.  When a player moves to the other side of
the gym, he can only throw across the half court line to get players OUT.
At the point where there are only 8 to 10 players left on the playing
area, then the teacher should blow the whistle and let the players run
full court.  The players have to keep in mind who is on his or her own
team.  Do not hit the players who are your own teammates.  The winning
team is the one who is left standing on the floor.