Jake Beck

HPE 360-01





Kick Ball-Baseball



Equipment Needed- Soft Ball suitable for kicking.  Whether it be a soft soccer ball or a

                                 regular kick ball.  Also needed are two bases.  These can be cones,

                                 actual bases, etc.


Ages-                        This game is suitable for ages 4 and up.  Game can be played with

                                 any age group with skill enough to perform act of kicking a ball.


Description-             Game is set up as almost to resemble a game of cricket being that

                                 There are only two bases.  One is set as a home plate and the other

                                 where second base would normally be.  The pitcher stands some-

                                 where between with his fielding team scattered about behind him.

                                 The offensive team stands in a line aside from the plate allowing

                                 only one individual to kick the rolled ball each time.  Each time

                                 the individual kicks the ball he/she is to run as many times from

                                 home to the other base without being either tagged or hit with a

                                 thrown ball from the defensive team.  The team with the most runs

                                 after 7 innings of play would be the winner.


Variations-                Teams are set up by numbering off, preferred that equal numbers

                                 both individual and sex-wise are recommended.


                                 Game could be made so that there is no throwing at individuals.


                                 Also the number of times allowed to run from base to base could

                                 be regulated.