Doctor Dodgeball


Age: I would say to use this for kids in about fourth grade and up. If you go any younger they may end up getting hurt. Both boys and girls who have some athletic ability or none at all can play this game.


Equipment: You need eight bowling pins, and as many balls as you wish to play with, as long as it is an even number to start the game. The doctors will wear a penny/jersey. You need either a gymnasium floor, or a wide-open field to play on.


Directions: The game begins with dividing the class/group into two evenly matched teams. Each team gets one-half of the gym, or field. The director of the game will set-up four pins on each side of the court/field. Each team will be given the same number of balls to try to knock down the pins. If a pin gets knocked down than the doctor must go and set it back up. The opposing team tries to hit the doctor below the waist, (unless the doctor is bending down). The game is over when the doctor and all four pins are knocked down on one side or both doctors get hit therefore causing a tie. The doctor will have an "office" where they can stand without being in jeopardy of getting hit. There can be more than one doctor, if so, than when the doctor gets hit they take off their penny and becomes a regular player. The teams cannot cross half-court line, they cannot "guard" the pins, but they can deflect the balls from hitting the pins, and you cannot hit other people on purpose other the doctor, since the object is to knock down the pins.