Equipment: Cones 40 -50/ 50 bottle caps or milk caps different colors/

Laminated numbers or math/word problems.

Level: K-4

Objective: cooperation, color/number recognition, problem solving skills,

team work, & improve math skills.

Formation: Lines between 4-8 depending on the size of your class.


Rules: Place cones spread out over a large area in rows. For the K-2

students, place different colored bottle caps or milk caps under each cone.

Number students off and place them on a team. Each team is given a color to

look for and must locate them before the other groups do. One person from

each team is given 10 seconds to look under only one cone at a time.

Students are not permitted to look under the same cone. Whichever team

finds all their caps first wins. You can continue the game for a few

minutes to allow other teams to find there caps as well. For older students

make it more difficult by doing math problems. They must first work each

problem before attempting to look for the correct answer. Place the correct

answer under the cones. The team that gets done first can go ahead and look.


Variations: Do word problems/ state capitols/ countries/ president's

birthplace/ alphabet.

Bob Hampton