For those teachers who may have access to a pool and want to do water adjustment with their students
using fish line, weights and artificial flowers, vaarious depth diving objects camn be created.
Secure the fishing line to the artificial flower (plastic works best but silk will work).  Based on the size of the flower a one or two weight will be needed to secure the flowers to the bottom of hte pool.  The various length of line on the flowers will make them vary in height from the bottom. 
Adjustment can be taught by:
picking certain colors letting the teacher know the child is comfortable opening their eyes under water
the swimmer knows his.her colors
shorter flowers require the child to go deeper in the water to determine their comfort zone with water depth
underwater swimming to capture the most flowers
face in the water to see the flowers
garden party and sit on the bottom in the middle of the flower garden
can be used as diving targets for the child when first learning the sitting and kneelign stages of diving (visual sigth for the focus point on entering the water on the dive)
All are things the teacher can use the flowers to determine or interact with the child in the water