Social Line Dance
Brad Haas
Udall Elementary

Physical Education Course Curriculum

Physical Education is designed to provide adolescents with knowledge and skills needed to engage in physically active, healthy lifestyle throughout life.

Lifetime Physical Activity

Line and Social Dance

This learning segment is a basic introduction to rhythmic movement as a way to feel good physically, be mentally stimulated, develop self-esteem and to interact with others in a social situation. It is an opportunity to experience lifetime fitness through social and recreational dance.

As a result of participation in this learning segment, students will be able to:
1. develop skills in working together.
2. develop fitness awareness through the lifetime activity of dance.
3. develop appreciation of dance as an art form.

Country Kick:

1-2 Touch R toe to R and return
3-4 Touch L toe to L and return
1-2 Step forward with R foot and turn 1/2 turn
3-4 Step forward with R foot and turn 1/2 turn (You have just pivoted on your L foot and are back where you started)
1-4 Walk forward R, L, R and kick left
1-4 Back with L, R, L, touch R Hop 1/4 turn to left
Start Dance over


All movements begin on the right side and repeat on the left side of body.
Palm Down R and L
Palm Up R and L
Cross touch left shoulder with right hand.
Cross touch right shoulder with left hand
Touch behind head R and L
Cross touch left front of hip with right hand
Cross touch right front of hip with left hand
Touch hips R and L
Quarter turn left and clap
Start Dance over
I have modified the swing of the hips because of parents complaints.

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