Shark Island (K-6)
Set Up
* Playing area is the gym
* One large Island (mat)Located in the center of the gym.
* Four small islands (hula hoops)Located in each corner of the gym.
* Each of the small islands contain a coconut (deflated ball - Gertie balls
work great)
* Designate an area for the hospital (against the wall or another mat)
Object of the Game
* To steal a coconut from a shark without being tagged.
To Start
* All players gather on the island in the center of the gym.
* Pick 4 players to be sharks. Sharks wear some type of identifying
* Place deflated balls in the hula hoops.
* Sharks Guard the islands to keep islanders from stealing the
coconuts.Sharks can not touch the coconuts or go inside the hoops.
* On the signal islanders try to steal the coconuts from the sharks.
* Islanders are safe from the sharks on the large island.
* Sharks can tag the islanders that leave the island and send them to the
hospital. (Shark Bite)
* Islanders sit in the order that they arrive at the hospital.
* Islanders who retrieve balls without being tagged go to the hospital to
get ONE person out of the hospital. They give the coconut to the person
that is first in line and that person returns the ball to a shark then goes
back in the game.
* Islanders with coconuts are safe from the sharks.
Equipment Needed
* 4 Hula hoops
* 4 Deflated balls/ Gertie balls
* 4 Pinnies for the sharks
* 1 large mat for the island
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