NEED: scooters=cars, buses, ambulances, police cars etc., hula hoops=houses and businesses, beanbags=money/paychecks, cones=construction zone, big cones=gas pumps(put scooter hockey sticks in the tops to use and the gas nozzles), birdies= ice cream cones to sell, frisbees=pizzas to sell, folding mats on end=tunnel to go through...must pay toll, spots=seat cushions, pizzas?, bowling pins=tornado protectors?, and anything else creative you or the students invent!!

PEOPLE TO BE: police officer(blue pinny), fireman(red), ambulance(red), gas station attendant, store clerk, doctor, toll bridge operator, train engineer(designate train tracks somewhere), pizza deliverer, health club operator, gas and electric worker, park ranger, garbage pickup, national guard, armed forces, teachers, SPORTSCENTER, Bowling Alley, batting cage... and so on...

*Each child has a scooter(car, truck, vehicle)...s/he decides on an occupation..s/he he MUST have one in order to get a paycheck(beanbag) or they can freelance. It's up to you.
**After a while kids can be the banker, but to start it's best for you to be the banker and hand out paychecks accordingly. I usually ask the kids what their occupation is and what they did to earn their paycheck.
*Hand out pinnies, supplies(ie. pizzas) before starting...have students think about what they will be doing for an occupation...empahsize or let them find out on their own the difficulty of selling an item which is in low demand.

*Using the lines on the gym floor as streets/alleys/highways the students move about the "city".
*Drivers must stop at designated intersections(wood/plastic stop signs are helpful, but not required).
*Drivers must demonstrate safety and look left, right, left, them continue.
*They must use hand signals when turning(use left hand!!)
*Police officers are on the lookout for "speeders" and traffic violators
........*give them a ticket...2 tickets go to jail
........*to get out of jail one must perform a community service...pushing someone on a scooter...make a donation to a charity, trash pickup, wash someone's car......OR
........* wait 20 seconds in jail
***IMPORTANT...if one child is continuously in jail, they should leave the activity for a designated time(whatever is appropriate).

*Once in a while we have a Tornado Warning
Have student standing up twirl through scooters with arms out and make a siren sound...if students touched by tornado they are injured and must be picked up by the ambulance and brought to the hospital(you can hand out insurance money if you like). The students can only be touched by the tornado if they are not doing the safe thing (getting out of car...lying in a ditch, going to basement or inner room of house and holding the correct position).
**Same thing for "fires", "floods" etc

**Start kids with 1 initial paycheck to get $ into circulation. Once $ is in circulation $ is exchanged OR items are bartered.
**Each persons' hula hoop(HOME) is a safe haven for $ and goods.


This can be active, yet sometimes it is more interactive. Kids are more active when they open up fitness and sports facilties.

I designate one line to be a high way(autobahn) with no speed limit. The kids also have to learn to move to the right when two scooters on the same line(road) are headed toward each other. Have fun!

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