Rachel Hudson
Game: Two ball street soccer
Equipment: A large area able to play soccer on, two soccer balls, and two goals
Ages: Any age, as long as they can kick a ball and run.
Directions: This game is played the same a regular soccer game, but instead of having one ball, you introduce two balls to the game. Have two teams, just make sure their even, but they can be of any size. Larger size teams make it easier, smaller sizes make it a more aerobic workout. You can start with one soccer ball to start out, so they understand the whole object of soccer, then add the second soccer ball in. On the teams there will be offensive and defensive players. Once teams are divided, then the offense of one team and the defense of the other team will be on one side of the field, while the other offense and defense will be on the other side. Then the game is played like soccer, seeing who scores. Every score the ball starts back at the goalie, one ball at each side.