Paul Rogers
Game Project
Non-Stop Cricketball
Ø This game can be played indoor or outside.
Ø Two teams of even numbers.
Ø Age group, 8 or older
Ø Equipment needed, 1 soccer size ball, 2 markers and 3 skittle like objects.
Ø Field set up as below.
^ ^ ^ 0000000000
* 0
* +
+ +
+ +
+ +
^ = Skittles
* = Markers
0 = Team 1
+ = Team 2
ü One team kicks, one team fields
ü Bowler bowls under arm from the cone shown above, below waist height.
ü If the kicker connects with the ball they have to run to the marker and back. They can run as many times as they want.
ü As soon as the bowler has the ball back they can bowl towards the target.
ü If the target is hit with the ball by the bowler only the person who is kicking is out.
ü If the ball is caught you are out.
ü As soon as you are out the next person is in and the bowler does not have to wait to bowl.
ü Each person goes through twice.
ü Kicking team must stay in order.
ü Fielding team will have a bowler, wicket keeper and the rest of the team will field.