Fitness warball is played with two teams on each side of a regulation basketball court. Our variation includes exercise. If a student is hit in fitness warball they must go to the side and perform one of the listed exercises that we place on the wall. If they hit a student in the head they must exercise. And, if they throw a ball and the other team catches it they must exercise. When the students have completed the exercise they may re-enter the game. Examples of exercises we use are (20 crunches, 20 push-ups, 30 line jumps, 30 jump ropes, 30 step boards, 30 jumping jacks, etc.) We also place five cones on each side. When one teams cones have been knocked over the other team is determined the winner. Players can guard cones, but cannot stand on them. Our students at Medical Lake seem to get an outstanding workour while having a lot of fun. Skills include throwing, catching, agility, teamwork, exercise, and FUN.

Chris Spring