Duck, Duck, Goose
Choose a partner and go to the center line in the long part of the
gymnasium and have them face each other.  Each set of partners in the class is lined up along this line also.  One person starts (I have them pick by rock, paper,
scissors) by touching the shoulder of their partner and say either "Duck"
or "Goose."  If the toucher says "Duck" nothing happens and it is the other
partner's turn to touch and say either word.  This continues, each taking
turns touching and saying either word, until one of them says "Goose."  The
one that says "Goose" turns around and runs away from the center line to a
line before the wall (in a straight line).  The one that was touched runs
after them.  If the toucher is caught before they get to the line the one who
caught them gets a point.  If the toucher gets to the line before being
caught then they get a point.  After establishing who gets a point they go back to the center line and begin the game over again.  After a few minutes have
them change partners by rotating them to the right with the last one on each end crossing over the line.  This means they get a new partner each time they
rotate.  I like this because it gives everyone a fresh chance to get
points.  I also like this because no one has to keep score.  Who cares what your
score was with someone else.
You have to go over who does the chasing with the little ones because they
get confused.  The one who says "Goose" is the one being chased.  You also have to go over what direction to run in because they run all over the gym and you could have a collision.  I've played this in k-5th.  You can call it by
another name if you think the older ones will get silly with the old
fashioned name.  I forgot to add, the one that did NOT say "Goose" gets to start the next game by touching and saying the word.  This gives equal opportunity.  The younger ones don't understand this but the older ones do.
I hope you understand this.  If not email me.
Curt Hinson has written several books and I do recommend them.  I have to
put in the plug for him because he did write this.
Good luck,  Marcia Merritt