Basketballs/soccerballs/nerfballs/ boxes/hula hoops


lines/from 2-4 depending on the class size(side by side)

Place a hoop or box at the end of each line. At one end, place six balls for each team inside the hoop. The object is to pass the ball one at a time down the line until the balls end up in the other hoop at the end if the line. Once the first ball is passed keep retreiving the b-balls one after the other. Nobody may be skipped when the passing is taking place(hand-off pass). When the last ball is placed in the hoop, the person at the end of the line becomes the shooter. First shot in the "basket" wins the first point. The team that finishes the passing first also scores a point. Now, when the ball starts again, the new shooter is the other person at the end of the line. Change positions often to ensure everybody gets to be a shooter.

Variations: Younger students use a lighter ball/ lower the baskets/give points for hitting the net,backboard or rim/only passing/change pass technique/

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