Equipment needed:
"Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now" by Dr. Seuss
Hula Hoops
Bean Bags
Pencil and Paper

Students should be split into teams of four or five per team. Each team should line up behind a hula hoop with another hoop about ten yards in front of them. Students should sit in line with the first person in line inside the hula hoop. The first person in line has one bean bag in their hand. The teacher, or a chosen student will read the book aloud. Each time the students hear the word "GO", they run to the hula hoop in front of them, place the bean bag inside the hoop and run back to the end of their team line. The next student will retrieve the bean bag on the word "GO" and bring it back to the first hoop. At the back of each line should be one sheet of paper and a pencil where the finishing student places one tally mark each time they go to the end. After the book has been finished, one student from each team should count their tally marks. Then the class will go through the book and count the number of times the word "GO"² appears. The winning team is that which matches its tally marks to the number of times the word "GO"² is read. (The word is read 38 times) I use this activity for grades 1-4 and the students really loved it. I really liked that it integrates listening and math skills.

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