Scooter Board
Regular rules of touch football, except all players use scooter boards.
All players must stay seated on the board. I impose penalties for anyone getting off the board (10 "yards", etc).
If the boards have handles, then handles must be used except in the act of passing, catching or tagging. If the boards don't have handles, then hands must stay off the floor, so fingers aren't run over.
Run the Bases- Tag Game
Use a regular softball diamond. Players start at any base. One player is chosen to be "it". Players start running around the bases, stopping at any base without being tagged. If tagged, runners return to starting base with no points, giving "it" a point.
Every time a runner gets around all 4 bases without being tagged, it is one point for that player. Change "it" periodically.
1) More than one player being "it".
2) Divide into 5 teams wearing scrimmage vests or same color shirts. One team is it, other 4 teams start at one base or home. Divide class time into 5 periods, with each team having a turn at being it. Tally score at end of each period.
Food Pyramid Relay
Each student is to bring in a picture from each of the food groups with their name on the back of each. Place a box at one end of the gym with a label for each group.
Divide class into teams.
1st player from each team is given a category to find that picture, run & place that picture into the correct box. Points are awarded for getting back earliest. Then proceed with the rest of the players.
After all pictures are distributed, each team gets points for placing pictures in correct box and lose points for placing in the wrong box.